WelcomeSt. Dunstan's is a lay led community of Christians. We are small church with a big heart, and you are welcome to join us.
We value our connection to God, one another, and our community. We come together weekly to worship. We are strengthened and nourished through the hearing of the Word and receiving of the gift of Holy Communion. We build connection with one another in weekly fellowship following worship and in our lives. Our time together energizes us to go out to do the work God has given us to do. We feel it is our responsibility to help others in gratitude for what God has given us. Most of our efforts focus on local needs through Roxbury Social Services. We also support homeless elders and families sheltering at a local motel. In our Joint Ministries with St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Mt. Arlington, we work together to support each other in worship, outreach, and spiritual development. As members of the Interfaith Clergy Council of Roxbury, we join in community worship events and support each other in common projects. And, we continue to respond to regional, national and global efforts as we acknowledge our interdependence with those who are far off, as well as, those who are near. We are cradle Episcopalians, former Roman Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, and Presbyterians. We are Democrats, Republicans, fork-lift operators, teachers, project manages, healthcare workers, and engineers (home & otherwise). As members of the St. Dunstan's family we respectfully live out our calling to continue Christ's work in the world. You are welcome to share the journey with us. |
What's new this week... January 19, 9:30 am-Holy Eucharist,
2nd Sunday after Epiphany. Coffee and fellowship to follow. Sunday School and Nursery Care, 9:30. January 15, 7:00pm-Harriet Tubman Regional Ministry Network Meeting on Zoom January 20, 7:00pm, Men's Bible Study, in the Connie Lane Library January 21, 6:00pm-Vestry Meeting, in the Connie Lane Library. January 26, 9:30am-Holy Eucharist 3rd Sunday after Epiphany. February 2, 9:30am-Holy Eucharist 4th Sunday after Pentecost. ANNUAL MEETING with Brunch to follow worship. Movie and snacks for children. ********************************* AA Meetings: Tuesdays and Fridays at 7:30 PM, in the hall. |
Child Care available--9:20 AM.
Sunday School --9:20 AM
Please join us for coffee and fellowship after the service.
On the First Sunday of the month, join us for Brunch following the service.