About Episcopal Services

For Episcopalians, worship is a participatory act of praise and thanksgiving of the One who has created us, redeemed us, and continues to offer us life each and every day. There are many ways to worship, but the services we participate in together are called “liturgies.” These services and others can be found in The Book of Common Prayer. The word “liturgy” denotes an act of worship or an act of public service but has more commonly come to be known as “the work of the people.” We gather as a community of faith to ascribe worth to God or “worship.” These liturgies give us the strength to do the work God has given us to do the rest of the week.
The Holy Eucharist (also known as The Lord’s Supper or The Mass)
The Holy Eucharist is the chief act of Christian worship on the Lord’s Day. It is in the celebration of the Eucharist that the Church most clearly acts as the Body of Christ, the people of God. The Book of Common Prayer denotes two interrelated parts to The Holy Eucharist. The first is “the Liturgy of the Word” or the Word of God,” and the second is the “The Holy Communion.” In the “liturgy of the word,” we gather, proclaim and respond to scripture, and pray for the needs of the world and the Church. In “Holy Communion” we make Eucharist, break bread, and share the gifts of bread and wine with the gathered community. And we thank God for the grace offered through this Sacrament.
Concerning our services
The Holy Eucharist (also known as The Lord’s Supper or The Mass)
The Holy Eucharist is the chief act of Christian worship on the Lord’s Day. It is in the celebration of the Eucharist that the Church most clearly acts as the Body of Christ, the people of God. The Book of Common Prayer denotes two interrelated parts to The Holy Eucharist. The first is “the Liturgy of the Word” or the Word of God,” and the second is the “The Holy Communion.” In the “liturgy of the word,” we gather, proclaim and respond to scripture, and pray for the needs of the world and the Church. In “Holy Communion” we make Eucharist, break bread, and share the gifts of bread and wine with the gathered community. And we thank God for the grace offered through this Sacrament.
Concerning our services
- Our services are led by Priests (male and female), but teams of our members young and old ensure that we prepare and celebrate fully.
- Although we follow The Book of Common Prayer, our bulletins (service leaflets) include everything you need to follow the service. (If you get lost just ask someone close by to help you).
- Our services are traditional, but add some non-traditional elements seasonally. In other words, we are not afraid to encounter God in new ways in worship.
- Most Sundays we read two lessons from Hebrew Scripture (Old Testament), and two from the New Testament, one of which is always a reading from one of the Gospels.
- All baptized Christians are welcome to receive Communion, including and especially children.
- We welcome children in worship and encourage their participation as full members, so our worship is not always quiet and solemn.