Becoming a Member of St. Dunstan's
There are formal ways to become members of The Episcopal Church. Through Confirmation youth and adults make a mature public affirmation of the promises made on their behalf at their Baptism. In Reception, people who have been part of another Christian tradition are received by the Bishop into this fellowship. In both instances, these people are choosing to live their Christian lives in the rich tradition that The Episcopal Church offers.
According to Church Canon (law), members are those whose baptisms have been recorded in this Church. They go on to say that active members must be faithful in worship and in working, praying and giving for the spread of God’s kingdom.
For many, being part of the local faith community leads to greater commitment. It has long been our understanding that you are a member when you decide you belong to God and this community – that you see yourself as an integral part of this community and commit to offering your gifts of time, talent and treasure to this local Church community and ministry and mission to which God has called us.
According to Church Canon (law), members are those whose baptisms have been recorded in this Church. They go on to say that active members must be faithful in worship and in working, praying and giving for the spread of God’s kingdom.
For many, being part of the local faith community leads to greater commitment. It has long been our understanding that you are a member when you decide you belong to God and this community – that you see yourself as an integral part of this community and commit to offering your gifts of time, talent and treasure to this local Church community and ministry and mission to which God has called us.