Worship Schedule

As a Christian community, we come together for worship - to praise God, give thanks, share a meal, and pray for one another, our family and friends, and a just and fair world. Worship strengthens us as a community and emboldens us to share God's love with others.
Sunday Mornings
9:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with music
Celebrant: The Rev. Guy Fouts
Our worship for the most part is a contemporary worship service in the Anglican tradition. We do utilize a mix of traditional and contemporary music and prayers from time to time as we seek to offer God some fresh air. Our worship during this service is slightly formal yet down-to-earth. Our children are an integral part of our community and at baptism are full members. We encourage our children to participate in worship.
Morning Prayer is led by Licensed Worship Leaders when our supply priest is not available.
Coffee Hour, a time for fellowship, follows worship.
Brunch, is shared on the first Sunday of the month--pot luck style.
Nursery Care is offered for children four and under during worship on Easter Sunday. The nursery is staffed by a paid attendant to provide consistency, There is also an adult volunteer. Both have been trained in Safe Church practices and are there to provide a safe and fun atmosphere for our youngest members.
Sunday School class begins at 9:20. The program we use is called Weaving God's Promises. Each lesson begins with a time to gather and share, and is followed by a Bible story, discussion, and a craft or other activity related to the story. During class, the teachers introduce elements of worship at Holy Eucharist so that the children become familiar with our liturgy. Before snack, children share a grace and offer prayers for others, too.
Sunday Mornings
9:30 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with music
Celebrant: The Rev. Guy Fouts
Our worship for the most part is a contemporary worship service in the Anglican tradition. We do utilize a mix of traditional and contemporary music and prayers from time to time as we seek to offer God some fresh air. Our worship during this service is slightly formal yet down-to-earth. Our children are an integral part of our community and at baptism are full members. We encourage our children to participate in worship.
Morning Prayer is led by Licensed Worship Leaders when our supply priest is not available.
Coffee Hour, a time for fellowship, follows worship.
Brunch, is shared on the first Sunday of the month--pot luck style.
Nursery Care is offered for children four and under during worship on Easter Sunday. The nursery is staffed by a paid attendant to provide consistency, There is also an adult volunteer. Both have been trained in Safe Church practices and are there to provide a safe and fun atmosphere for our youngest members.
Sunday School class begins at 9:20. The program we use is called Weaving God's Promises. Each lesson begins with a time to gather and share, and is followed by a Bible story, discussion, and a craft or other activity related to the story. During class, the teachers introduce elements of worship at Holy Eucharist so that the children become familiar with our liturgy. Before snack, children share a grace and offer prayers for others, too.